Back to the Bible

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Back to the Bible


13 Brotherly Love

In the church of God, the brotherly love a christian should posses is greatly lacking.

13 Test of a Prophet

Today we have deceptions from every side including people who prophecy. So we will see how we can identify if the person is a true prophet or not.

12 Christian Behaviour

Living a simple life makes us look different from what the world expects of us.

11 Health and Awareness

We can fear God and give glory to Him even through good heath and lifestyle.

10 Tithe and Offering

Giving tithe and offering is an act of obedience through faith in him.

09 True Church

Today we will see about two distinguishing characteristics of the True church which will help us identify it.

08 Millennium

Today we will see about the millennium which falls after the second coming of Jesus Christ and the events that surround this event.

07 Baptism

The Bible tells us clearly how baptism by immersion is what is required of us when we accept Him as our personal saviour.

06 Witchcraft at Endor

At the request of King Saul of Israel, the witch of Endor called up the ghost of the recently deceased prophet Samuel.

05 Holy Sabbath

From the first Eden to the final Eden, we can find Sabbath being followed throughout history. It was never done away at any point of time.

04 King's Law

Today we will see the character of God which is revealed to us through the ten commandments.

03 Rebellious King

Today we will see the origin of sin that is revealed through the life of king Absalom.

About the Show

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Pr. Suresh K

Pr. Suresh K

Back to the Bible
Pr. Suresh K
Sermon, Bible
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