28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists

Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. Join us to study these fundamental beleifs with Pr. Charles Raj Kumar.

A Holy Land in Open Gate

Blessed are they who walk in the light given by the living Lord Jesus Christ. Do you want to know what we mean by this? Find out the answers with Evangelist Emmanuel Raj Sekar.

Abraham's Spiritual Journey

There are a lot of lessons that we can learn from Abraham who is also know as the "Father of Faith" in the Bible. Join us with Mr. Vethanayagam as he takes you through Abraham's Spiritual life's Journey.

Adventist Home

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

Adventist Home

Running a happy, successful home can be compared to running a successful business. You need to know your mission, make sure the family members are appreciated and important, have an atmosphere of trust and safety along with guidelines and rules and often discuss all the concerns and challenges. This will keep the family united. Learn more about how to keep a family together in this series “Adventist Home”.

All Must Know

Every Christian should know that our sins have been forgiven and we have received life and wisdom through His name's sake. Learn what more everyone should know with Pr. Alex Dang.

Amazing Journey with Moses

Let's take a journey with Moses and see how God called him towards His mission and how he responded. Get closer to God by following the good characteristics he had.

Attributes of God

Knowing the attributes of Jesus could be a great way to know more about Christianity. Join us with Pr. Barkat Masih as he shares some of the important attributes if Jesus Christ in this series.

Back to the Bible

Let us take to journey back to the Bible with Pr. Suresh.

Bible Prophecy and It's Importance

Have you ever wondered why the term 'Prophecy' is very often associated with a Christian and what is its importance? Find out the answers with Pr. Prabhat J. Mallick.

Biblical Women

Women have a very important role in the world we live in and so have they had important role in the Biblical times too. Learn some important lessons from the lives of some of the Women mentioned in the Bible with Pr. Barkat Masih.

Book of Exodus and God's People

The Book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible. It tells a story about Israelites being delivered from slavery, involving an Exodus from Egypt. Join us as we learn some important lessons from this story with Pr. Immanuel Joseph.

Champions of God

God has given each of us the heart of a champion far beyond the field of athletic endeavour. But only a handful amount of people have indeed become Champions of God. Do you want to know what set them apart. Join us with Pr. Doss Kumar as he talk about some of such Champions from the Bible.

Christ's Sermon on the Mount

Christ's Sermon on the Mount features the teaching of Jesus on a variety of subjects pertaining to the Christian life, discipleship, and life in the kingdom of God. Join us with Pr. Doss Kumar as we look deeper into this.

Christian Life

Is the life of a Christian just defined by a set of do's and don'ts? What does it actually take to call yourself a Christian? Find out answers to such christian with Pr. Morris Madho as he share about a christian life.

Church and Social Work

Social work is also an integral part of the church body. It reflects the love of God to the unreached. Learn more about the link between these with Pr. Sheldon Priestly.

Claiming Our Canaan

In this series with Pr. Doss Kumar, learn how to claim your eternal reward that is in store for you.

Come to Me

Do you sometime feel that you are all alone and have nowhere else to go? Jesus is calling you even in such situations. All you need to do is to accept His call. Learn more about this calling with Elder Anthony Sharma.


Jesus has given us a mission to go preach the gospel to the very ends of this earth. Learn what contribution is expected from you by Jesus to accomplish His will on this earth in this series.

Encountering Jesus

When Jesus comes into you life, there will be some changes that you will begin to notice. Join us with Dr. Atiqa Kelsy as we she speaks about the experience of encountering Jesus.

English Sabbath School

Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.


The Bible says that through Faith as small as a mustard seed, we can actually move mountains. Do you want to know how much can you actually push forward through Faith. Join us with Bro. Vishal Bhengra as he shares the experiences of some people with immense Faith from the Bible.

Faith and Acceptance

The bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith in God. Through faith in Him, you can pave a way to be accepted into the kingdom of heaven.

Genesis - The Key to the whole Bible

Genesis being the first book of the Bible has some very important lessons which we need to keep in mind before we go further into the Bible. Join us as we take a deeper study into this important book.

God is with Us

Learn how God is with us even when we are not aware of His working in our live with Pr. Patrick Francis in this series "God is with Us".

God's Calling

God makes it clear again and again that we're to love others, care for the poor, and live our lives in such a way that we point to the power of the gospel. Find out what God's calling is in your life with Pr. Murad Masih.

God's Character

Find out the character of God with Pr. John Justin as he shares about the different characteristics of God with you in this series.

God's Handwriting

In this series, we will learn more about God's through nature and try to find out God's handwriting written all over creation.

God's Miracles in the wilderness

Come and join our journey in trough the wilderness where we can recount many miracles performed by Jesus throughout their journey.

God's Plan

Are you feeling low not knowing how your future would be. Join us Pr. R.P. Singh as he share about God's amazing plan which includes you in it.

God's Will in Human Life

Have you ever wondered what is God's plan for your life. Join us with Pr. Eliah Sugunaraj as he speaks about God's will in the lives of some people.

God's Witness for Man

There are many people who have stood for Jesus as a witness for Him. Join us in this series as Pr. Partick Francis explains how your life would be changed when you too would like as a witness for Him.

God's Youth

When God was in this earth, find out how He lead a just life being an example to all those who are living today, many years later with Pr. Patrick Francis.

Godly and Ungodly Children

प्रत्येक बच्चे ईश्वर का उपहार हैं और ईश्वर उनसे अधिक प्यार करते हैं जो अपने माता-पिता का आज्ञा पालन करते हैं क्योंकि यह उन्हें एक फलदायी और सार्थक जीवन देता है। बाइबल हमें ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद दिखाती है, विशेष रूप से वे जो आज्ञाकारी हैं और लेकिन ईश्वर का क्रोध उन पर प्रकट होता है जो आज्ञाकारी नहीं हैं।

Good News for All

Are you tired of this sin stricken world. There is good new for you found in the Bible that will give you new Hope and meaning in life. Join us with Bro. Ramesh Banjare as he shares these thoughts with you.

Good News for Gentiles

The Jews believed that Jesus would come to save only them. This was however not true. Paul shared good news which exposed that God wanted to save even the gentiles living back then and even today.

Grace of God

Join us in this series with Pr. William Mall as he shares about what the amazing Grace of God has done for us and how far it will stretch to bring us back to His fold again.

Great Chapters of the Bible

Every word in the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit. In this series, we will see some of such great chapters from the Bible with Pr. William Mall.

Growing in Christ

Growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not referring to the physical growth like you might see from a plant. Rather, it refers to the spiritual growth and growing closer to God.