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Join us in our Sabbath Services each week, LIVE from Spicer Adventist University church and be Blessed!!!

Vepsers Service: Friday - 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM IST

Sabbath Service: Saturday: 9:15 AM to 12:30 PM IST

Latest Episodes

04 Blessed are the Meek

Who are the Blessed Ones

04 Blessed are the Meek

All those who follow and try to imitate Christ must have meekness.

04 Confession

Mokshanik Margam

04 Confession

Today we will see how to accept and confess our sins.

Sermon 04

Revelation and Daniel

Sermon 04

The books of Daniel and Revelation focuses on prophecy regarding the various events that would happen at specified times. Join us with Pr. T.D. Fransis in this series to be able to understand how the future would be.

04 The Church - Elder Quality or Quantity

28 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists

04 The Church - Elder Quality or Quantity

The 28 Fundamental Beliefs can be organized into six categories of doctrine: God, man, salvation, the church, daily Christian life, and last-day events (restoration). Let's learn more about these beliefs in detail.

04 Church of Smyrna

Lessons from the Churches of the Bible

04 Church of Smyrna

Today we will compare our church of today with the church in Smyrna.

04 Anointing as a Priest

Shadow of Christ

04 Anointing as a Priest

This series focuses on the Priest. In this world, the priests are supposed to reflect Jesus Christ. We too are spiritual priests and thereby we need to live like our high priest - Jesus.

Sermon 04

Parables of Jesus

Sermon 04

Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables. A parable is a simple story to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. In this way Jesus way able to communicate the message to all groups of people. The parables continue to teach great lessons. They (parables) describe to us of the different situations that we face in our lives and how we can encounter the situations.

04 Humbleness of Leadership

Being humble and meek as the bible says eliminates pride and ego which can be the biggest enemies of your own lives. Join us with Pr. Sarath Barnabas as he share many important lessons we can learn from being humble.