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Praise & Worship - Tamil
Episode #16
Prophecy and History - Tamil
Former Rain In Prophecy
1:30 AM
28 Fundamental Beliefs of Sda -- Tamil
Spiritual Gifts & Its Purpose
2:00 AM
Prayer - Tamil
Be Closer to God - Part 1
2:30 AM
Healthy Living - Tamil(Season 2)
Mental Stress
3:00 AM
Atonement and Christ Cross - Tamil
Born to a Virgin
3:30 AM
Richness in the Subject of God - Malayalam
Sin's Against The Holy Spirit
4:00 AM
Prepare to Meet Thy God - Kannada
The Systamatic Traps of Satan
4:30 AM
Adventist Home -- Hindi
An Attitude Toward Unbelieving Companion
5:00 AM
What Must I Do for the Lord ? - Telugu
Protect The Church, Through Word of God
5:30 AM
Jesus I Trust In You - Malayalam
Because You Died for Me
6:00 AM