Hindi Sabbath School

11 पकड़ा और सताया गया

This week’s study analyzes the anointing of Jesus with costly perfume, Peter’s forsaking of Jesus and Jesus’ suffering as a direct fulfillment of prophecy.

This week’s study analyzes the anointing of Jesus with costly perfume, Peter’s forsaking of Jesus and Jesus’ suffering as a direct fulfillment of prophecy.

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Shyam

Pr. Bharthi RR

Pr. Bharthi RR

Mrs. Elizabeth Bharthi

Mrs. Elizabeth Bharthi

Pr. PM Lall

Pr. PM Lall

Pr. Surender Singh

Pr. Surender Singh

Online since
09/14/2024, 2:42 PM
Pr. Shyam
Pr. Bharthi RR, Mrs. Elizabeth Bharthi, Pr. PM Lall, Pr. Surender Singh