
God is faithful in fulfilling all the promises. Are you faithful to God? Come let us see how God fulfilled all the promises in the life of ancient Israel and modern Israel.



13 I Shall Bless Your Generation

God says that He will bless your generation and your children will be before His eyes always.

12 Do Not be Discouraged

Let us not get weary in doing good.

11 He is Our Hope

God is our refuge and help. He is there for you at the end of he road. Keep going.

10 Marriage and Faith

Faith and marriage cannot be separately seen in the family of the remnant people. What God unites, let no man separate.

09 Voice of God

Do you hear the voice of your creator? He will surly guide you.

08 Unfailing Attempt

When God gives you a task, He will help you to complete it.

07 Cities of Refuge

God made provision of cities of refuge. God is our refuge. Innocent ones will be saved and the guilty will perish.

06 Manasseh

The tribe of Manasseh did not obey God completely and they faced the consequences. What about your obedience?

05 Fallen Mountain

God used Caleb at the age of 85 to destroy the giant called Anakin.

04 Valley of Decision

Are you in the valley of decision? Blessings and curses are before you. What will you choose?

03 Achan's Empire

Achan built his empire that fell on the same day. God is watching and he rewards accordingly.

02 Let us Cross Jordan

Joshua said to the people of Israel, "Let us cross our Jordan. God will make a way."

About the Show

God is faithful in fulfilling all the promises. Are you faithful to God? Come let us see how God fulfilled all the promises in the life of ancient Israel and modern Israel.

Pr. Immanuel Raj Christopher

Pr. Immanuel Raj Christopher

Pr. Immanuel Raj Christopher
Sermon, Bible
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