The Burden of Christ's Prayer

05 Not One Perished

The believer, then, is secure in Christ for many reasons: the very nature of God, the nature of Salvation, the Glory of God, and the intercessory ministry of Christ. For the simple reason that Judas was never one of Christ’s own. Jesus faithfully kept all that the father gave to him, but Judas had never been given to him by the father.

The believer, then, is secure in Christ for many reasons: the very nature of God, the nature of Salvation, the Glory of God, and the intercessory ministry of Christ. For the simple reason that Judas was never one of Christ’s own. Jesus faithfully kept all that the father gave to him, but Judas had never been given to him by the father.

Pr. Charles Rajkumar

Pr. Charles Rajkumar

Online since
04/25/2023, 7:47 AM
Pr. Charles Rajkumar